I just HAD to share one of the sweetest ‘Thank You Notes’ from a radio listener! Dennis shared it with the staff just the other week at a meeting, and I wanted to pass the encouragement along to you since YOU are part of everything FamilyLife does!
It is your radio broadcast that has held my head above the waters for years. Your radio broadcast comes on at 6:30, and it has been a source of hope for me for over four years.
The radio program helped me Year 1, when I gave my life to Christ, and my husband was an unbeliever, and we had a newborn. It gave me hope Year 2, when my husband had an affair, and it helped me choose reconciliation instead of divorce. It was there, as well, when my husband surrendered his life to Christ. It was there Year 3, when health issues became worse, we struggled through an ectopic pregnancy, and faced the reality of infertility together. It was there Year 4, now facing a possible foreclosure and the stress of caring for an unstable 2-year-old niece.
My point is, I want you to know I play your radio broadcast on my tiny FM radio in my kitchen, and I strain my ears to hear every word through the screams of kids, the barking of dogs, and the rumble of clothes tossing in the dryer. It has been my lighthouse, my tiny light leading the way, my hope that I can finish the day.
I can and will make it as a woman, wife, and mother. I hang on to Bob Lepine’s closing words, “Help for today. Hope for tomorrow,” knowing the broadcast will be back tomorrow for another dose of hope.
From my heart, thank you for the sacrifice you make every day to give people like me “palpable hope.