The two biggest groups of people that we at FamilyLife scholarship to the ‘Weekend to Remember’ marriage get-away’s are the military and pastors.  The marriage pressures involved in these areas of service can sometimes be overwhelming, as well as the financial pressure that make getting away together difficult.  I thought you might like to hear from some of those who have attended through these scholarship programs.

Eric on the phone with FamilyLife donors!
Eric on the phone with FamilyLife donors!

“Thank you so much for making the sacrifice of allowing us to come to the Weekend to Remember. We have wanted to come here from the beginning of our marriage, but with a new baby each year, we have never been able to afford it and have a sitter at the same time. “Our marriage has suffered some really hard blows during the past few years, and a blow this year that we really believed would end us. I never lost faith that God could work it out, but I truly did not know how. I was at my wits’ end. “So far, everything has been so useful, and I really feel like we actually have a fighting chance for the first time in our marriage. It’s no longer us trying to do things our way. We’re doing it God’s way for the first time. Thank you so much for making that possible.” Pastor Couple

“Thank you so much for giving to FamilyLife so that we could come to the Weekend to Remember. It’s been a great investment of our time these last few days, to focus on our marriage. As a pastor family, it’s hard to take a weekend, financially and logistically. We may not have been able to be here if it weren’t for your gift. We hope to take the things we learned back to our normal life and share the wisdom with our community.” Pastor Couple

“As a church pastor, I approached this weekend with the attitude of an observer. I thought I would evaluate FamilyLife to see if it would be good for others I know. However, through the weekend, I was the one whom God evaluated through the sessions and projects. I was weighed and found lacking in some key areas. Thank you for the healthy ‘heads up.’ I will use what I learned to improve my marriage.” Pastor Couple

“We desperately needed this. Thank you! My husband has deployed seven times, and we have been apart longer than most couples experience in 50 years of marriage. We are growing in our faith, and we are both now committed to honoring Christ in our marriage!” Military Couple

“This conference brought us to a new level of connectedness and closeness. It feels like the Holy Spirit has filled our sails! We needed this time away from our daily lives, and it was so much fun with my best friend!” Military Couple