Since the March Riedy Reader shared the ministry of Ylli and Nikki Doci in Albania, I though you might be interested in this prayer request they sent to us.  Even if you miss praying at the specific times listed, I’m sure they would love prayer for the follow up and impact of this gospel message!

Prayers needed today! Thank you for lifting us up before the Father!

Tonight is the night of the big outreach! This is the auditorium/concert hall where the Valor Christian high school group (in Tirana this week, partnering with us in ministry) will be presenting their music, drama and dance to be followed by Ylli’s message which will be on the rich young ruler and with an invitation to open their hearts to Christ. 1500 high school and university students are expected.

The event starts at 5 pm in Albania (10 a.m. Denver, CO time; 11 a.m. Fargo, ND time; 12 noon Detroit, MI time).

Pray for
1) hearts to be open
2) this to be the day of salvation for many
3) God to speak through Ylli
4) God to be glorified
5) safety

Nikki Doci